Quiet Time With Jesus - Song

This mother, Sunday School teacher, musician, and now song writer sent us a perfect song to help us all to remember that precious Quiet Time alone with our Lord Jesus. Below is her short testimony, along with the audio to the song, "Quiet Time With Jesus."

Dear YF/CC

The other morning I was thinking of a way to help the children realize how important it is to do Quiet Time every day, not just once a week or so. Then I thought that it would be nice to have a song about Quiet Time, so I prayed and asked the Lord that if He wanted me to write a song about Quiet Time, that He would give me the song. In a few minutes, I had most of the song and music. I thought I would share it with you so other children can learn it also and be encouraged to do Quiet Time every day. Maybe even Happy and Gramps would like to learn it ;)

Here are the words and the attached audio:

  • When I think I am too busy
  • I have to make the choice
  • To get quiet before Jesus
  • And hear His still small Voice


  • It's Quiet Time with Jesus
  • It's Quiet Time with Jesus
  • It's Quiet Time with Jesus
  • Quiet Time is everyday

  • Just fifteen minutes or an hour
  • Will change your life for good
  • And get you anchored in the Rock
  • Where Moses stood


God bless you,

Sis Sharon

Thank you for sharing your wonderful song, Sister Sharon! It's a catchy tune, and if you're like Happy and Gramps you'll be singing it ALL DAY LONG!

God bless you, CC!
