Over one hundred years ago in a little log cabin, a prophet was born. Some brothers and sisters from the country of Trinidad and Tobago know just what a special day that was.
Here is their report, and the video they made about that special day in Kentucky 106 years ago:
God Bless you all at VGR, for making yourselves available to the Lord, that he would use you to bless His Bride around the world. Every day as we visit the website, we thank the Lord for the connection that we now have with our precious brothers and sisters around the world.
While on themessage.com recently, listening to the new audio on The Messenger tract, and thinking of Bro. Branham’s birthday coming up soon, we were reminded of a little project that some of us youth ( well, ….we were youths back then!) did in 2006. At that time, we had a little youth group, and we came together to make a storybook about the birth of Bro. Branham.
All the illustrations on the video were done by Sis Grace Barratt, who was around 18 yrs, at that time. We were amazed at how many of the pictures that were done in the book matched the audio on the website so nicely, so we thought that we would send you all a little video that we hope will encourage you all to keep up the good work. We are really thankful for the new audio on http://themessage.com, it really adds a new dimension to the written tract, it is a wonderful inspiration, and a really nice place to send the seeker when we hand out a witnessing card.
We love you all, in Trinidad.