Cub Corner in Trinidad

The small country of Trinidad and Tobago has some big ideas!

This group of believers in the city of Point Fortin decided to take the audio stories on Cub Corner and act them out for their church. Everyone had a great time acting out the stories of Samson, Lazarus, Nehemiah and Jairus' daughter. You can read their report and watch their videos below:

Here is the report we received from our friends in Trinidad:

God bless you all, we are really enjoying the vast treasures of all our new websites. Every area is so refreshing and captivating, and there is so much to see, read or listen. Recently we took advantage of one of our national holidays, to spend some quality time with our young people, and even though we hadn’t much time to prepare, the result was far beyond our expectations. In our country, usually around the month of February, the nation is engulfed in an event known as carnival, a horrible heathen display of corruption. Around this time, as believers, we usually come together for some activity, and this time, while the island was parading immorally in the streets, we were, unlike them, adorned in some very unique apparel.

Thanks to Cub Corner, the dramatic audio stories of Samson, Lazarus, Nehemiah and Raising Jairus’ Daughter came to life, as the inspiration came to have the youth actout these selected stories. When it was announced,all the children were very excited, everyone wanting to be a part. We also encouraged the adults who would attend the event to come dressed as any Cub Corner Magazine character of their choice. With just a week and a half before the announced date, things went into high gear. Choosing the stories, characters, setting up stage, curtains, props, audio,...snacks, everything began coming together in a short space of time. Sewing machines were singing in every home, as garments of biblical origin started taking shape. We had announced that there would be a prize to the person most closely resembling their CC character, and with that great effort was put in, even to getting the exact colors and styles of attire as in the magazines.

As the special evening finally arrived, it was awesome to see the prophet Noah walk into the hall,... David, Joshua, St Martin, Rahab, Queen Esther, Lydia, even Bro Branham was there, it was like a long awaited family reunion. The night began in prayer and songs, then an introduction of the event, thanking the Lord for YF and all they doto keep us pointed to the Word.

We then had the short Cub Corner audioskits, using the intervals between the skits to view some lovely YF videos. Seeing Lazarus walk out of the tomb, Jairus’ daughter rise out of bed, Samson’s desperate cry of “Once More, Lord!” and Nehemiah’s perseverance as he overcame the opposition, left lasting impressions on the hearts of the little ones and all present. Then towards the close, each  character came upon stage for the audience to guess who they were..., well, if you were familiar with your CC magazines, it was not hard to figure out each one, they did a pretty good job! Shouts of “Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah!” could be heard as the unmistakable long white bearded man with staff made his way to the front. “ St Martin, St Martin, St Martin, St Martin!” they cried, as he took out his sword to cut his cloak in half, and there was no need to ask who was the man with the cowboy hat and .22 rifle. It was a night to remember, because of the Lord. Noah and Queen Esther received the prizes for the night, but everyone went home as winners, because we were all dressed up as winners, Bible heroes. Everyone seemed to remark afterwards on how sweet the atmosphere was, how special each character looked and how inspired CC magazines are. We thought we would send the four skits that the youth did, as well as a look at some of the characters that paid us a visit on that night, trusting itwill be a blessing to you all, as it was to us here.

Great Job YF! Keep pressing the battle! God Bless!

Your friends in Trinidad.
